Hilo 8065

Ride on scrubber dryer Great front visibility for safe thorough cleaning Automatic reduction of speed and solution when cornering Adjustable max working speed/service, parking, emergency brake The lowest energy consumption in its category (only 0.35 W/m2!). Easy and quick maintenance and assistance Extremely efficient power steering, flashing, hour meter, diagnostics Vertical, short and compact structure for great handling in small spaces Large 250mm rear wheels in non-marking and anti-slip rubber Tank in tank: recovery tank with large easy-to-clean compartment Designed for simple and quick maintenance Intuitive and practical display controls.

Hilo 8065

Ride on scrubber dryer Great front visibility for safe thorough cleaning Automatic reduction of speed and solution when cornering Adjustable max working speed/service, parking, emergency brake The lowest energy consumption in its category (only 0.35 W/m2!). Easy and quick maintenance and assistance Extremely efficient power steering, flashing, hour meter, diagnostics Vertical, short and compact structure for great handling in small spaces Large 250mm rear wheels in non-marking and anti-slip rubber Tank in tank: recovery tank with large easy-to-clean compartment Designed for simple and quick maintenance Intuitive and practical display controls.

Hilo 8065

Ride on scrubber dryer Great front visibility for safe thorough cleaning Automatic reduction of speed and solution when cornering Adjustable max working speed/service, parking, emergency brake The lowest energy consumption in its category (only 0.35 W/m2!). Easy and quick maintenance and assistance Extremely efficient power steering, flashing, hour meter, diagnostics Vertical, short and compact structure for great handling in small spaces Large 250mm rear wheels in non-marking and anti-slip rubber Tank in tank: recovery tank with large easy-to-clean compartment Designed for simple and quick maintenance Intuitive and practical display controls.


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